Often in life we believe that other people know more than we do. While many friendships are healthy and add color to our lives, it is worth remembering a quote by Gibbons: “Conversation enriches the understanding, but solitude is the school of genius.” Here are seven ways to increase your ability to hear your inner guidance with more clarity.
I have found the Kriya Yoga meditation as described in “Sacred Science~Meditation~Transformation~Illumination” by Norman Paulsen to be the most powerful way to connect to your inner Divine guidance. I began to practice this technique, which includes “I AM THAT I AM” in 2004. A few weeks later I began to write my first book. I believe that there are no coincidences.
Several years ago, Oprah Winfrey discussed keeping a gratitude journal on her television program. Gratitude is a portal, a gateway to receiving wisdom. When you express gratitude to the universe, it sends back to you more and more. You are giving gratitude, and as you give you are creating a space within to receive. It is helpful to remember as often as possible what you are grateful for. Seeing the glass half full, not half empty, is powerful. When you are grateful, the universe gives back to you. When you are grateful, you feel joy. Joy is a magnet, and more opportunities and reasons to be grateful, will appear in your life.
Being in nature is very grounding. Grounding means connected to earth energy. Being aware of your physical surroundings, whether indoors or out can help you feel this connection. Grounding is helpful as you access your intuition, as you are connecting Heaven and Earth.
The door to inner guidance swings wide open as you set your intention. Heavenly help is always available. Because we have free will, our angels and guides are waiting for us to ask. As we ask, we receive answers. True inner guidance responds in a kind and gentle voice.
After setting your intention, and meditating, it is beneficial to remain open and in a state of allowing. It is not often when we are the busiest that we hear our intuition. Rather, remember that quiet and stillness are highly conducive to hearing our guidance and creative ideas can flow.
It is important to remember that you are a child of God. Expecting the best when we ask for clarity and answers is helpful. There are ego voices that may tell us we are not worthy. Be aware that this is not our true reality. We are sparks from our Creator. When we approach God with worthiness, he responds powerfully.
In accessing our intuition, it is important to clear the blocks in the pathway to our inner guidance. Feeling forgiveness helps in clearing the obstacles. There is an excellent forgiveness meditation in “A Lightworker’s Way” by Doreen Virtue. You will develop compassion as you begin to see the light and love that is in everyone. It is very healing to see yourself in others. It unifies your consciousness. You will become an even clearer channel for Divine guidance when you feel forgiveness, mercy and compassion.
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