Heart centered generosity produces miraculous results. The key is to unblock and unlock your heart center as you unleash this powerful force you will find yourself abundant and happy.
The universe can’t be fooled. Sometimes we believe that we are being giving and generous. If we stop and examine our motives and cultivate awareness about our intentions, we may see “our gifts” in another light.
That is good news. It is very easy to fool ourselves or even lie to ourselves about the nature of our actions. There may be people in our lives that don’t respond to our generosity in kind. We may consider them to be ungrateful. I believe that the soul speaks not the words or even actions. Intention is everything. The good news is that once you become aware of what you are putting out into the universe, you will make better choices, and receive back abundantly.
There are several blocks to receiving abundantly and ways to transform these blocks.
One block to receiving abundantly is giving to get back. The consciousness behind this is scarcity consciousness. Somewhere in our thinking we believe that we do not have enough and if we give to someone, we must get back to replace what we have given them. We may have a sort of checklist that says underneath-you owe me. The problem with this thinking is that the receiver can feel this energetically on a subconscious level and feel resentment. With this feeling of resentment they will feel less inclined to give back. This can create a vicious cycle.
Another block can be giving out of obligation or guilt. There may be people in our lives that give to us endlessly. That is fine if they are giving from their heart center that is not expecting repayment. Often we may give out of obligation or guilt. We feel that we owe them. When we give back under these conditions we are not truly giving. We are feeling obligated. The Law of Attraction does not respond to giving out of obligation or guilt. If we have people in our lives that give a lot, we may be better off choosing to receive and let it be. If we choose to give, may it be because we choose to, out of love, not obligation.
When it comes to The Law of Attraction I have discovered three ways that resonate with the universe.
The first is to give and let go. True giving is something you can feel. It comes from a place of self care. It is pure in that your intention is to give without receiving anything back. This can take some inner work, to feel so filled in yourself that you don’t even need a thank you. Your intention is to give and let go. It is freeing.
The second way is to align your will with the universe. Think of how you can serve. Allow people to be themselves. When you give with detachment while not taking anything personally, you are giving from your whole heart centered Self.
The third way to unlock your power to attract is to want more for others. Dr. Wayne Dyer discusses this concept in his book and PBS seminar “The Power of Intention.” You realize that the universe is truly so abundant that someone else having it all does not mean that you will not. There is more than enough love, prosperity and abundance in the universe for everyone. When you want more for others, this is pure generosity. True giving will create a vacuum, a space within which the universe will pour in it’s gifts abundantly. That is not why we do it, it just happens naturally.
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