Monday, 24 December 2012
Make 2013 Your Best Sales Year Ever
Whether your numbers weren't what you wanted them to be in 2012 or set a new standard, it's time to sit down and get busy planning to make 2013 your best sales year of all time.
Who Are Your Dream Clients/prospects?
Begin by targeting your dream clients. Most of us spend too much time chasing opportunities that aren’t significant enough to make a difference in our sales results. The top 20 percent of salespeople have one thing in common: They win the biggest and best clients. In 2013, you are going to begin your sales efforts by selecting higher-value targets. You do that by focusing on where you can make a difference for these clients, which will make a difference in your sales results.
Your dream clients are the clients for whom you can do breathtaking, jaw-dropping, earth-shattering work. You know these people. You’ve probably wanted to win them for a long time. So let’s get started:
• Who can help you produce massively better results? What clients have you longed to win but never gotten any traction on? Make a list.
This list of dream clients is your sweet spot. It’s where you can create the most value and where you have the greatest opportunity to grow your business.
• Which of these dream prospects belongs on the list because of what it says about you as a salesperson or entrepreneur?
Some clients come with marquee value. Not only do they provide you with the opportunity to do your best work, they also make a statement about who you are as salesperson or entrepreneur. Winning these prospects proves to others that you are a value creator. These guys deserve your best efforts.
• To your list, add the names of the contacts you need to break into your dream client accounts. Identify the people with the titles or roles indicating they deal with the business challenges you can help to solve. This is where the action is. You gain access to your dream clients through key stakeholders.
This is the list you are going to use to make 2013 your best-ever sales year.
It’s likely that you haven’t won these dream clients in the past for two reasons. First, the clients already have a partner. They have someone who sells them what you sell, and it’s almost certain they have deep relationships with those partners. They’re difficult to win, and it takes a lot of time and effort. Which brings us to the second reason you haven’t yet won these clients: You haven’t focused on nurturing the relationships you need.
Play the Long Game: Build Your Nurturing Plan
One key to making selling easy is to create value before claiming any. This is counterintuitive to salespeople. We’re used to creating value and claiming it in a single transaction: We get an order, and we send an invoice. But if you want to establish relationships with your dream clients, you have to create value before you claim it
In one of the businesses I own, the contacts within my dream client companies have issues with human resources, new legislation around labor, and getting the most of their human capital dollars. My team built a plan to send them value-creating emails and white papers that gave them a deep dive into changes they could make to produce better results now—whether they used our services or not. We didn’t pitch or ask for an appointment.
Our dream prospects responded at first by politely thanking us for the information. But over the course of six months, these same contacts started to reach out to us to help them with their challenges, to invite us to compete for their business, and often to give us orders. This “create value before claiming value” approach has resulted in millions of dollars of new revenue for my company.
For three years I have written and posted daily to The Sales Blog. I have given away countless ideas that salespeople can use to produce better results. One day a consultant friend called to tell me what a mistake I was making. He said: “You don’t understand how this game works. You are giving away your intellectual property. You’re doing this wrong. You have to charge people for giving them ideas.” I listened politely as he berated me. When he was finished, he asked: “And by the way, how are you getting all of those clients and speaking gigs?” The world has changed, and my friend is operating on the rules of a time long past.
If you want to win your dream clients, you are going to have to spend time nurturing relationships. You have to pursue them over time, playing the long game.
Your dream clients need help. They want to move their business forward and produce better results. When you give them actionable ideas they can use to produce those better results, you make a deposit in that relationship. You become known as someone with the insights and ideas they need.
Start sending your dream prospects case studies that tell how you helped a comparable client overcome a challenge they are likely facing. Send them white papers that provide them with insights and ideas they can use to produce better results, whether or not they hire you to help them. When you find a magazine article or a web post that provides insight they can benefit from, send it. Enclose a personal note explaining why you believe the idea is important and why your prospect should be thinking about it. The ideas that can help your dream clients move their business forward belong in what I call your “nurture toolkit.” To build it:
1. Make a list of 12 tools you can use to connect with your dream clients once a month over the course of 2013 (white papers, TED Talks videos, newspaper articles, etc.).
2. Map out an hour a week to send out items from your nurture toolkit. Make sure all of the contacts at all your dream companies receive a nurture tool—and a personal note—each month.
Blocking Time: Design Your Model Sales Week
Now let’s get down to brass tacks. If you are going to have your best sales year ever (and you are!), managing your time is crucial. More accurately, you are going to have to manage yourself.
One of the most effective ways to achieve the outcomes you need is to plan your week ahead of time. A model sales week—a standard calendar you follow each week—is a great tool for ensuring you take action. There are three things that must make it onto your model calendar.
Time for prospecting: New opportunities are the lifeblood of a salesperson’s results. Without new opportunities, you can’t make your sales goals. Take a calendar and carve out three blocks of time between Monday and Friday devoted exclusively to prospecting. Make these blocks two to three hours each, so you can get into the rhythm of making calls. If you want to make it easier to get this most important sales work done, schedule these blocks first thing in the morning, before the world starts making demands of you.
Time for nurturing: Your coldest opportunities are the ones you want the most. The reason you spent all that time developing a list of dream clients and a nurture toolkit is so you can warm them up.
Add a one-hour block of time for nurturing to your model sales week. Use this time to systematically send ideas and remind people that you are a value creator. A few months of this, and you will find your dream prospects much more receptive to your calls.
Time for face-to-face sales calls: Your calendar offers the clearest picture of your future results. If your calendar is full of sales calls, your future is all but guaranteed. Block at least a third of your time for face-to-face sales calls and fill those blocks each week. You have the greatest opportunity to create value—and the greatest chance of winning your dream client—when you are sitting face to face with them. You also have to spend time with the clients who are paying the bills and keeping the lights on now. Don’t leave them off of your calendar.
You’ve identified your dream clients, you’ve built a plan to nurture them and you’ve designed the perfect model week to make 2013 your best sales year ever. But no plan is complete without working on your single most important asset and resource: you!
Personal Development: Sharpen the Saw
Why should your dream prospect choose you? What makes you different in a way that makes a difference for them?
You are your only real asset for producing results. Making 2013 your best sales year ever means making you the best-ever version of yourself. From week to week and from month to month, you have to continuously improve. Here are three areas of personal development that pay dividends when it comes to producing breakthrough sales results:
Become a Sales Athlete: As a salesperson and entrepreneur, you are running and gunning to get things done. It’s easy to care about everything and everyone around you while neglecting your own needs. Making 2013 your best sales year ever is going to require you to have the energy and capacity to do your best work.
To keep your energy level high, make time for daily exercise. Even 30 minutes a day will make the difference in your capacity for work. Carve a half-hour into your day for exercise. You also need to fuel your body with healthy food to maintain your energy level throughout the day. And make some time to decompress, whether it’s yoga, meditation or spending time alone recovering your energy.
What do diet, stress reduction and exercise have to do with sales? Everything! You are the asset that produces your sales results, and the more energy and focus you bring to that work, the better your results.
Hit the Books: Making 2013 your best sales year ever means continuously finding new ideas. It means innovating. New ideas and innovations are found through horizontal thinking, taking an idea from one domain and moving it to another, or linking up things in new ways. Some gas station owner saw a convenience store and decided to put the two together… and the rest is entrepreneurial history.
There are countless great business books and magazines you can read to find new ideas to apply to your business. Nonfiction books of all kinds can help spark your thinking. Make time each week to fuel your mind by reading books and magazines. Keep a journal of ideas that you can use to improve your sales game and your clients’ results.
Do the Coursework: The fastest way to have your sales results flat-line is to stop learning. There are some areas you know you need to improve if you are going to produce breakthrough sales results. Maybe you need to improve your public speaking skills. Maybe you need to develop better presentation skills, the kind that will make your dream clients sit up and take notice. Or perhaps you need to learn more about financial models so you can calculate and prove your dream clients’ return on investment when they buy from you. Whatever it is, you can learn it. Sign up to take courses that can help you produce even greater results. Strapped for time? There are countless webinars that you can download and listen to while you drive to work or exercise. As a salesperson and entrepreneur, you are never done learning.
This is the foundation of your plan for 2013. You target your dream clients. You nurture the relationships you need to create an opportunity. You build a model sales week to spend time on your biggest sales priorities. And then you work on the most important asset you will ever have for producing the results you want: you.
Follow this plan, and 2013 will rock!
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Stop Following The Herd – Learn by Experimenting
If you try to count the times where you passed an opportunity based only on the notion that you lack the knowledge and the step by step pattern, you, and I both, will come to realize that the number is a rather large one.
And in missed opportunities, I tend to believe that even one is one too many. Yet we still turn our back on many opportunities because of somewhat of a mix which comprises fear of the new, fear of failure, fear of not being able to get it.
We find an already laid pattern, which by the way has been proven to work, and if it promises results we decide to blindly follow. Either that or we simply find a great story describing why this particular opportunity was not meant for us in the first place.
Awaken yourself by an example and start experimenting with what you love to do
The innovators, the creative type of folks – they never followed some pattern left by someone before them. There simply wasn’t any. They had to try things out and see for themselves. And wonderful ideas came to birth.
Recently I came up with the idea of making infographics as to scale the content diversity on this site, and thought it would be a great idea that all of you guys would really love; Presenting content in a somewhat simpler, yet more interesting and captivating fashion from time to time (not that I will let go of my rants).
Long story short, being close to a design dummy, I started looking for some places where one can learn about the basics and how things work. The epilogue? Well there isn’t any infographic yet, so…
What I did was similar to what all people do when faced with uncharted waters. I quit.
And since good old Google wasn’t able to offer something that would satisfy my criteria of how a complete guide should look like, I started asking people.
And then the most interesting thing occurred.
A friend of mine, without giving that much of a second though, said: “Well why don’t you just install Adobe Illustrator and try and experiment?”
This was it. I knew I had to write this post immediately. It was a kettle meets pot kind of situation for me.
You see, it is so simple. Why we go seeking for some complete guide when we can create our own guide by just giving a try here and there. Practice gives birth to improvement, so not trying does not make the most sense, now does it?
You see, when I started with internet marketing and blogging I read tons of books about the subject. But looking back in retrospect, knowledge itself was nothing when compared to all the things that I learned along the road. And it is like that in every aspect of life.
Why don’t we just try and experiment then? Huh? Does this make sense to you?
Experimenting makes us more likely to master whatever we want
People who practice something are obviously much better than those who learn about it. And I stand strongly behind this notion. Not in the sense of streets smarts vs. books smarts, but rather more in the sense of letting your knowledge to evolve and fill in every gap while growing exponentially.
The more organic the process of learning, the bigger the chance to invent something new or simply broaden and refine your initial idea;
More progress, in short.
When you try and follow a pattern you act on the basis of fear. Fear of the new, fear of failure, fear of not being able to do it otherwise. So you, and I both, comply with this process. But if we decide to act anew and experiment, then our potential is really amazing. We enrich the process of learning with more curiosity, fresh approach, not following any rules that are limiting our growth in creativity.
Easier said than done, huh?
Well, I cannot argue against that. When it comes to going against compliance of what is already prescribed as a learning method I become as guilty as the next guy in deciding to step back.
But what I realize now is that every valuable skill that I mastered in my life was improved only through the act of experimenting. Try something new and become enamored in it by simply being more curious. You experiment, and it will always get better.
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And in missed opportunities, I tend to believe that even one is one too many. Yet we still turn our back on many opportunities because of somewhat of a mix which comprises fear of the new, fear of failure, fear of not being able to get it.
We find an already laid pattern, which by the way has been proven to work, and if it promises results we decide to blindly follow. Either that or we simply find a great story describing why this particular opportunity was not meant for us in the first place.
Awaken yourself by an example and start experimenting with what you love to do
The innovators, the creative type of folks – they never followed some pattern left by someone before them. There simply wasn’t any. They had to try things out and see for themselves. And wonderful ideas came to birth.
Recently I came up with the idea of making infographics as to scale the content diversity on this site, and thought it would be a great idea that all of you guys would really love; Presenting content in a somewhat simpler, yet more interesting and captivating fashion from time to time (not that I will let go of my rants).
Long story short, being close to a design dummy, I started looking for some places where one can learn about the basics and how things work. The epilogue? Well there isn’t any infographic yet, so…
What I did was similar to what all people do when faced with uncharted waters. I quit.
And since good old Google wasn’t able to offer something that would satisfy my criteria of how a complete guide should look like, I started asking people.
And then the most interesting thing occurred.
A friend of mine, without giving that much of a second though, said: “Well why don’t you just install Adobe Illustrator and try and experiment?”
This was it. I knew I had to write this post immediately. It was a kettle meets pot kind of situation for me.
You see, it is so simple. Why we go seeking for some complete guide when we can create our own guide by just giving a try here and there. Practice gives birth to improvement, so not trying does not make the most sense, now does it?
You see, when I started with internet marketing and blogging I read tons of books about the subject. But looking back in retrospect, knowledge itself was nothing when compared to all the things that I learned along the road. And it is like that in every aspect of life.
Why don’t we just try and experiment then? Huh? Does this make sense to you?
Experimenting makes us more likely to master whatever we want
People who practice something are obviously much better than those who learn about it. And I stand strongly behind this notion. Not in the sense of streets smarts vs. books smarts, but rather more in the sense of letting your knowledge to evolve and fill in every gap while growing exponentially.
The more organic the process of learning, the bigger the chance to invent something new or simply broaden and refine your initial idea;
More progress, in short.
When you try and follow a pattern you act on the basis of fear. Fear of the new, fear of failure, fear of not being able to do it otherwise. So you, and I both, comply with this process. But if we decide to act anew and experiment, then our potential is really amazing. We enrich the process of learning with more curiosity, fresh approach, not following any rules that are limiting our growth in creativity.
Easier said than done, huh?
Well, I cannot argue against that. When it comes to going against compliance of what is already prescribed as a learning method I become as guilty as the next guy in deciding to step back.
But what I realize now is that every valuable skill that I mastered in my life was improved only through the act of experimenting. Try something new and become enamored in it by simply being more curious. You experiment, and it will always get better.
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Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Defining Success: The Unique Success Equation
We all crave for success. That’s an indisputable fact. But actually getting to the point where we can smell it, feel it, see it within our grasp the very definition of success - that’s a different story.
And I gave a lot of thought in this one. It’s my drive, I guess.
You know what I realized?
It came to me that although there is a lot of material out there, teaching us how to be successful and about the very meaning of success, offering us inspirational success quotes, advice and all, the fact is that the route towards success is more straightforward that we may think at first.
It’s not that complex at all, you see, to understand the definition of success, the equation for it.
There are two basic principles upon which I build my understanding for reaching and enjoying success. And those are idea, and action. It’s really that simple. These two are crucial for defining success.
Sure, you have many other factors overlapping one another, but it all starts from here and it all ends up in that direction of movement.
success is not the position stand, but the direction in which you look. (tweet this)
In order to reach success, we must all have a clear idea. It doesn’t have to be like inventing hot water or anything similar to that mater, but having a clear and distinct goal in front of you will direct you in a way unimaginable for some.
And note this – one idea only gives birth to another.
And this is the reality for many. They start with one clear goal in sight, only to find out that it led them to more sub-ideas, broadening their view.
All of the sudden we have new and new understandings on how things can be done, and that leads us inevitably to success.
About the other aspect – action; You see, going from one idea to another, and even conceiving the first in fact, is only possible if you are ready to take some action.
Action in the form of research, action in the form of work of any kind, action in the form of thinking and discussing your ideas through; Just some form of action, in short.
So having this in mind we can define success with this equation:
Success requires constant movement.
Only by being active and putting your intelligence, creative capacity, enthusiasm, will power, discipline, your whole being in short, you will come to an idea, realization of the same idea, and then guess what – the inevitable success.
How exactly most of the world function?
Pardon me for taking the audacity to point myself as an objective observer from the side, but I will try to paint a picture I’m sure lot of you are familiar with.
Many of us somewhere in time come up with great ideas.
So what do we do?
Instead of heading towards realizing them, or at least giving them the boost by thinking through, or putting them in conversation, in words, we decide not to act upon them – in no way whatsoever.
Maybe it’s our subconscious mind that forces us to retain status quo just in order not to leave the comfort zone, or maybe it’s society being skeptical and all, but the bottom line is – most of the time, we don’t do nothing.
And discouraging such ideas only makes that behavior to multiply in the future, and soon before we know it becomes a habit.
This mindset is self-preserving, and it pushes us in an endless cycle, out of which there is very hard to find the exit. But there is a way out though. And it’s only possible by changing our perception when it comes to success.
How to adopt the mindset of a successful person, and eventually succeed?
And make no mistake – this mindset will push you forward towards making success a reality. It will create the momentum for giving birth to ideas by forcing you to act, to engage yourself in movement.
Therefore, by adopting this mindset, you and I both, will get preoccupied with constant movement, something that as we said before leads inevitably to success, in any form.
And the way to approach this one is by slightly changing your perception on what is real. Because success only happens when we crave for it, and in order for that to take place, we must first believe in success unconditionally.
Here is what Will Smith, a man I personally admire a lot, have to say about the meaning of success:
“The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about you and me is that I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill.
You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, but if we get on a treadmill together, there are two things that can happen
You are getting off first, or I’m gonna die on the treadmill. It’s really that simple.” ~ Will Smith
You see, he figured it right altogether. It’s never a complex thing to start with – you act, apply movement, and things happen. You think about it, it leads to action, you act – you succeed. Yes, it’s that simple. And it’s the very definition of success.
And realizing this definition, it all goes way more promising from there.
And you know what – movement don’t have to be connected with your goal at all, but it has to be constant.
You see, that’s the thing that puts you in this mindset – constant movement. Being still, and living in status quo, is only retrograding your capacity.
Movement on the other hand, enhances it. That’s the way I see it. And should you choose to perceive it in the same fashion, the doors for inviting success into your life are open.
It don’t have to come at first, but we must realize that changing our mindset to this frequency – it will eventually happen.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Never Settle For Less Than Your Dream
Never settle for less than your dream. Now I know I’m not your average old wise man, or guru of any sort whatsoever, but I’ve had my share of missed opportunities, and no matter how few they were I believe that even one is one too many.
No matter whether we are talking about a job opportunity, a guy or a gal, or even one of those ideas that have been hanging in the back of your head for so long now and waiting for an actual realization. We settle for less, we decide to make compromises, and we lose them. All of the above. For sure.
And we settle for less based upon the feeling of self-doubt, seeking for security, scared not to miss our shot at it. I recently wrote about how the concept of mortality can level up our self-improvement efforts and that we are basically already naked and have nothing to lose. Every day may just as well be our last. And because of this and similar realizations the idea of settling for less becomes unbearable.
The society encourages us to settle for less
The people around us are usually pretty comfortable telling us not to take chances. If you ask the people surrounding you whether to invest in your idea, nine out of ten will probably discourage you hiding behind the explanation that it is too risky. That you should settle for what is already thrown at you.
Now imagine what would have happened if Steve Jobs decided to follow such advice and settle for building just an average computer, just the average phone similar to all the other ones saturating the market. Very different outcome, wouldn’t you say?
People can’t do it themselves, they tell you that you can’t do it. It’s always been like that. If you ask for advice it will always be the same: Settle now, settle for what you got. Don’t listen to them, never settle for less.
Never settle for less just because your prime is slipping by, you will enjoy it again
We also settle for less because we are afraid that our prime is slipping by. We are afraid that once the current circumstances are converted into past tense, our shot on whatever security, success, chance for happiness and fulfillment is already gone.
And what upsets me the most is that we unanimously share the belief that our prime is a state of being which exists only once, and with a rather short lifespan. So partially, the other reason which forces us to settle for less is having this belief embedded deeply into our view of the world. Everything primes for a moment, and then it’s just a vague existence which follows. But this cannot be further from the truth.
Never settle for less based upon the fear that your prime will end, and you will have an even worse hand of cards served afterwards.
We experience prime several times throughout our life. Each and every time, whether we are being in our twenties, thirties, even fifties or sixties, we learn something new, evolve intellectually and emotionally, disrupt the straight line with a spike here and there. Our progress in life, that is. It’s never linear. Nor heading up just once and then gradually rolling down the hill.
I’ve seen guys like Tony Horton who are over fifty and physically superior than your average twenty year old. So how come my prime is ending after thirty or whatever. It’s obvious that it is clearly a question of decision. We may prime whenever we decide to. There is no need for settling now, just as to avoid worse times. Times can always be better. Never settle for less than your dream.
Imagine if Tony Horton were to settle at what he had during his twenties. He never would have had the success with his series P90X neither the popularity, nor the value which he has contributed to the revolution of the fitness world. And he did that at almost fifty. Never settle for less based upon the fear of a worse second half. No compromises.
Never settle for less than your dream. Now I know I’m not your average old wise man, or guru of any sort whatsoever, but I’ve had my share of missed opportunities, and no matter how few they were I believe that even one is one too many.
No matter whether we are talking about a job opportunity, a guy or a gal, or even one of those ideas that have been hanging in the back of your head for so long now and waiting for an actual realization. We settle for less, we decide to make compromises, and we lose them. All of the above. For sure.
And we settle for less based upon the feeling of self-doubt, seeking for security, scared not to miss our shot at it. I recently wrote about how the concept of mortality can level up our self-improvement efforts and that we are basically already naked and have nothing to lose. Every day may just as well be our last. And because of this and similar realizations the idea of settling for less becomes unbearable.
The society encourages us to settle for less
The people around us are usually pretty comfortable telling us not to take chances. If you ask the people surrounding you whether to invest in your idea, nine out of ten will probably discourage you hiding behind the explanation that it is too risky. That you should settle for what is already thrown at you.
Now imagine what would have happened if Steve Jobs decided to follow such advice and settle for building just an average computer, just the average phone similar to all the other ones saturating the market. Very different outcome, wouldn’t you say?
People can’t do it themselves, they tell you that you can’t do it. It’s always been like that. If you ask for advice it will always be the same: Settle now, settle for what you got. Don’t listen to them, never settle for less.
Never settle for less just because your prime is slipping by, you will enjoy it again
We also settle for less because we are afraid that our prime is slipping by. We are afraid that once the current circumstances are converted into past tense, our shot on whatever security, success, chance for happiness and fulfillment is already gone.
And what upsets me the most is that we unanimously share the belief that our prime is a state of being which exists only once, and with a rather short lifespan. So partially, the other reason which forces us to settle for less is having this belief embedded deeply into our view of the world. Everything primes for a moment, and then it’s just a vague existence which follows. But this cannot be further from the truth.
Never settle for less based upon the fear that your prime will end, and you will have an even worse hand of cards served afterwards.
We experience prime several times throughout our life. Each and every time, whether we are being in our twenties, thirties, even fifties or sixties, we learn something new, evolve intellectually and emotionally, disrupt the straight line with a spike here and there. Our progress in life, that is. It’s never linear. Nor heading up just once and then gradually rolling down the hill.
I’ve seen guys like Tony Horton who are over fifty and physically superior than your average twenty year old. So how come my prime is ending after thirty or whatever. It’s obvious that it is clearly a question of decision. We may prime whenever we decide to. There is no need for settling now, just as to avoid worse times. Times can always be better. Never settle for less than your dream.
Imagine if Tony Horton were to settle at what he had during his twenties. He never would have had the success with his series P90X neither the popularity, nor the value which he has contributed to the revolution of the fitness world. And he did that at almost fifty. Never settle for less based upon the fear of a worse second half. No compromises.
Monday, 10 December 2012
How To Have More Energy Throughout The Day
How To Have More Energy Throughout The Day
Having more energy throughout the day is a great indicator that we are about to be more productive, feel better in general, be more creative, or should I just say be at our very best. Knowing how to have more energy can certainly change many aspects of our lives.
But the hectic lifestyle many of us face nowadays, and the constant set-backs when it comes to trying to live as healthy as you can, are doing their own in draining our resources of energy, leaving us not ready for the day ahead.
And living in our routine, it is very hard for some to try and change how things roll, so we go day by day, feeling more tired than the last, hoping for the weekend, or some great weather forecast, believing that the only reason for not having energy is because we are maybe meteoropathic.
And while we try desperately to convince ourselves that there is some reason which is not in our power to deal with or change, that is making us feel less energetic, the truth of the matter is not that complex at all.
Knowing how to have more energy is really simple once you understand the wrong and the right approach.
How to have more energy? – What do people usually try?
If you are about to ask this question, first try asking yourself:
How do you try to solve the lack of energy?
Is the change permanent, or you just apply some method here and there?
The thing is that most people try to fight the lack of energy by going for something that will give them immediate results. Things like pills, energy drinks, afternoon nap, maybe some visit to the spa from time to time.
But even though this can prove handy at times, the thing is that you are not balancing your energy levels, but creating even further chaos.
You must have heard this one: ”If you want to feed someone, teach him how to catch a fish rather than giving him one.“
It is the same here to an extent. You teach your body and your whole organism how to adjust and have more energy, rather than just supplementing some from time to time.
So knowing this, you assume now that the right thing to do is to adjust your lifestyle, and stick to that for a while. It should be soon enough before you start seeing the results.
How to have more energy ? 10 simple ways to achieve that:
1.The first thing to do is set your sleeping schedule. This will act as a frame for everything connected to your energy levels. This is entirely up to you, but there are couple of basic principles to address.
Note that your melatonin levels are high at night, and that makes you fall asleep easier and have a better sleep. Therefore it’s logical to go to bed as soon as you can after it gets dark. I’m not talking 9 o’clock now, but it is certainly downright stupid to stay up to 3 AM if there is no a real reason for it. This will in turn make you wake up earlier, and you will have more energy in the mornings.
Waking up early in the mornings makes you more energetic in general. It is proven that people who tend to sleep more are more prone to lack of energy during the day. So knowing this it is better to limit your sleep hours to somewhere between 6 and 7.
If you are about to take a nap somewhere in the afternoon, do it so that you rest for no more than 30 minutes to maybe an hour, depending on whether you’ve done some activity that might have drained your energy.
Maintain this schedule for a week, and you will see drastic improvement in your energy levels.
2.Be as active as you can during the day. Try and follow your packed schedule, and even add some exercises like the Insanity workout or maybe try going out with someone. The thing here is that once you are up from bed, make so that the body will stay active all day long.
That way you are getting your body used to only two mods – full rest, and constant activity. Of course you will give yourself some time here and there to rest for a minute or five, but this way you will have more energy all day long, and better sleep quality during the night.
When I started practicing this, I noticed that falling asleep was now very easy, and I had more vivid dreams while sleeping and more energy when I was up.
3.Forget the instant fillings of energy. Really, they don’t work on the long run. Things like coffee, energy drinks, pills…Voodoo stuff if you are asking me.
The thing they do is something quite opposite than what you are about to do. You try to balance your body and have a constant stream of energy during the entire day, and these things only make a rupture in your efforts.
They provoke reactions inside your body that make you more alert for a time on the expense of draining you completely after the effect is gone. And this is only on the short run, so there is no point in applying any of that.
4.Give it a day in the week when you break your routine, and spend some time just for yourself. Try and do your idea of a rest, engage yourself in nothing more than casual physical activity, and let your worries drift a little bit.
I learned this from Robin Sharma, who recommend dedicating this day only to some deep thinking. I won’t go that much in practicing this, but leaving some time to be just alone with your thoughts can make a great difference in filling your energy levels.
5.People know how to drain energy a lot more than some activities do. So be wise and distance yourself from such people. Enjoy the company of the ones who empower you though. Find them, surround yourself with them, and enjoy getting more energetic while in their presence.
6.Avoid getting in verbal disputes, and also avoid talking about them as well as talking about gossip and similar stuff. I go further and label these things not only as an enemy to your energy levels, but also as an enemy to your character, persona, and whatever self-improvement you are hoping to make.
7.Quite contrary from the one above, try and surround yourself with activities that improve you in any way, and activities you love doing. Dedicate yourself fully to them.
It is proven now that the activities you love doing such as your hobbies, having a great conversation about something important with someone, enjoying more outdoor time etc. are actually filling you with more energy.
Have you ever noticed this? Have you ever felt full of energy after doing something you love? I know I have. Sometimes after playing the violin for maybe two or three hours, even though it is a very hard and demanding mental activity, I feel like I’ve taken a nap or did something that filled my energy that I cannot really explain and put in words.
8.Eat healthy. That’s it, just eat as healthy as you can. You will notice the results even after a week. Not only you will feel more energized by being filled with the nutrients your body lacks and needs, but you will also get in better shape, and this has a big effect upon your energy levels.
9.The one above being said, you should also try to lose some weight if you have more than you should, and get in shape by exercising. This will tremendously impact your energy levels, and you will feel the great results almost instantly. Give it a week and you will feel reborn.
10.There are some things that fill you with energy just by the thought of it. Things like taking a long walk with your dog on evenings, going on a picnic or camping on weekends, swimming in the pool, watching the sunrise, curl up with a book, or watch a movie with your significant other.
Whatever it is that does it for you, try and squeeze it into your schedule as many times as you can.
Knowing how to have more energy is a great asset nowadays. It certainly impacts your wellbeing a lot, and dictates your days, therefore your reality.
And the thing we must understand when asking how to have more energy, is that it’s an ongoing process, and applying things in the long run. We must change our lifestyle, tweak it a little bit, and implement some of the things mentioned above.
What is your advice on how to have more energy? How do you manage to stay energized throughout the entire day, and what will you advise others to do? We would love to know.
Having more energy throughout the day is a great indicator that we are about to be more productive, feel better in general, be more creative, or should I just say be at our very best. Knowing how to have more energy can certainly change many aspects of our lives.
But the hectic lifestyle many of us face nowadays, and the constant set-backs when it comes to trying to live as healthy as you can, are doing their own in draining our resources of energy, leaving us not ready for the day ahead.
And living in our routine, it is very hard for some to try and change how things roll, so we go day by day, feeling more tired than the last, hoping for the weekend, or some great weather forecast, believing that the only reason for not having energy is because we are maybe meteoropathic.
And while we try desperately to convince ourselves that there is some reason which is not in our power to deal with or change, that is making us feel less energetic, the truth of the matter is not that complex at all.
Knowing how to have more energy is really simple once you understand the wrong and the right approach.
How to have more energy? – What do people usually try?
If you are about to ask this question, first try asking yourself:
How do you try to solve the lack of energy?
Is the change permanent, or you just apply some method here and there?
The thing is that most people try to fight the lack of energy by going for something that will give them immediate results. Things like pills, energy drinks, afternoon nap, maybe some visit to the spa from time to time.
But even though this can prove handy at times, the thing is that you are not balancing your energy levels, but creating even further chaos.
You must have heard this one: ”If you want to feed someone, teach him how to catch a fish rather than giving him one.“
It is the same here to an extent. You teach your body and your whole organism how to adjust and have more energy, rather than just supplementing some from time to time.
So knowing this, you assume now that the right thing to do is to adjust your lifestyle, and stick to that for a while. It should be soon enough before you start seeing the results.
How to have more energy ? 10 simple ways to achieve that:
1.The first thing to do is set your sleeping schedule. This will act as a frame for everything connected to your energy levels. This is entirely up to you, but there are couple of basic principles to address.
Note that your melatonin levels are high at night, and that makes you fall asleep easier and have a better sleep. Therefore it’s logical to go to bed as soon as you can after it gets dark. I’m not talking 9 o’clock now, but it is certainly downright stupid to stay up to 3 AM if there is no a real reason for it. This will in turn make you wake up earlier, and you will have more energy in the mornings.
Waking up early in the mornings makes you more energetic in general. It is proven that people who tend to sleep more are more prone to lack of energy during the day. So knowing this it is better to limit your sleep hours to somewhere between 6 and 7.
If you are about to take a nap somewhere in the afternoon, do it so that you rest for no more than 30 minutes to maybe an hour, depending on whether you’ve done some activity that might have drained your energy.
Maintain this schedule for a week, and you will see drastic improvement in your energy levels.
2.Be as active as you can during the day. Try and follow your packed schedule, and even add some exercises like the Insanity workout or maybe try going out with someone. The thing here is that once you are up from bed, make so that the body will stay active all day long.
That way you are getting your body used to only two mods – full rest, and constant activity. Of course you will give yourself some time here and there to rest for a minute or five, but this way you will have more energy all day long, and better sleep quality during the night.
When I started practicing this, I noticed that falling asleep was now very easy, and I had more vivid dreams while sleeping and more energy when I was up.
3.Forget the instant fillings of energy. Really, they don’t work on the long run. Things like coffee, energy drinks, pills…Voodoo stuff if you are asking me.
The thing they do is something quite opposite than what you are about to do. You try to balance your body and have a constant stream of energy during the entire day, and these things only make a rupture in your efforts.
They provoke reactions inside your body that make you more alert for a time on the expense of draining you completely after the effect is gone. And this is only on the short run, so there is no point in applying any of that.
4.Give it a day in the week when you break your routine, and spend some time just for yourself. Try and do your idea of a rest, engage yourself in nothing more than casual physical activity, and let your worries drift a little bit.
I learned this from Robin Sharma, who recommend dedicating this day only to some deep thinking. I won’t go that much in practicing this, but leaving some time to be just alone with your thoughts can make a great difference in filling your energy levels.
5.People know how to drain energy a lot more than some activities do. So be wise and distance yourself from such people. Enjoy the company of the ones who empower you though. Find them, surround yourself with them, and enjoy getting more energetic while in their presence.
6.Avoid getting in verbal disputes, and also avoid talking about them as well as talking about gossip and similar stuff. I go further and label these things not only as an enemy to your energy levels, but also as an enemy to your character, persona, and whatever self-improvement you are hoping to make.
7.Quite contrary from the one above, try and surround yourself with activities that improve you in any way, and activities you love doing. Dedicate yourself fully to them.
It is proven now that the activities you love doing such as your hobbies, having a great conversation about something important with someone, enjoying more outdoor time etc. are actually filling you with more energy.
Have you ever noticed this? Have you ever felt full of energy after doing something you love? I know I have. Sometimes after playing the violin for maybe two or three hours, even though it is a very hard and demanding mental activity, I feel like I’ve taken a nap or did something that filled my energy that I cannot really explain and put in words.
8.Eat healthy. That’s it, just eat as healthy as you can. You will notice the results even after a week. Not only you will feel more energized by being filled with the nutrients your body lacks and needs, but you will also get in better shape, and this has a big effect upon your energy levels.
9.The one above being said, you should also try to lose some weight if you have more than you should, and get in shape by exercising. This will tremendously impact your energy levels, and you will feel the great results almost instantly. Give it a week and you will feel reborn.
10.There are some things that fill you with energy just by the thought of it. Things like taking a long walk with your dog on evenings, going on a picnic or camping on weekends, swimming in the pool, watching the sunrise, curl up with a book, or watch a movie with your significant other.
Whatever it is that does it for you, try and squeeze it into your schedule as many times as you can.
Knowing how to have more energy is a great asset nowadays. It certainly impacts your wellbeing a lot, and dictates your days, therefore your reality.
And the thing we must understand when asking how to have more energy, is that it’s an ongoing process, and applying things in the long run. We must change our lifestyle, tweak it a little bit, and implement some of the things mentioned above.
What is your advice on how to have more energy? How do you manage to stay energized throughout the entire day, and what will you advise others to do? We would love to know.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
3D Approach For Success In Life – A New Meaning for an old fable
3D Approach For Success In Life – A New Meaning for an old fable
achieving goals becoming successful being successful
motivation personal devolepment planning self devolepment
self improvementsuccess
All of us know the old tale of Hare and The Tortoise.But when we observe the story carefully it shows us an approach for being successful in life.Here’s the new direction to look in the story and achieve success in life.
The 1st D stands for Destination
The Hare challenged the tortoise.Tortoise accepted the challenge.knowing fully well its own limitations why did the tortoise accepted the challenge ? Hare took it as a race. Tortoise took it as a journey towards the Destination.
The 2nd D stands for Direction
Hare looked behind at the competitor.Tortoise can’t be seen anywhere near.But Tortoise looked ahead towards the destination.It had right Direction.It moved ahead with commitment.
The 3rd D stands for Determination
The hare was proud of its own performance compared to its competitor.Soon it became tired and complacent.The result was deep slumber.Tortoise went ahead unmindful of hare’s behavior at its own place in the right direction towards the destination with Determination.
Tortoise was the winner who accomplished its declared purpose by adopting 3 D approach – Destination, Direction, Determination.
The morale here to take from the story is
1. Always look at your goal as the destination you have to reach at any cost. So that you need to plan according to reach your destination.
2. Try to move in the right direction to achieve your goal with commitment.i.e. never get distracted from your goal for any reason.Stay focused on your goal.
3. Unless you reach your goal don’t feel you are tired. Being determined to achieve the goal will give you the necessary energy to move further to achieve success..
Anyone can become winner with this 3d approach by looking at the destination approaching it in right direction with determination.
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