Saturday, 30 June 2012

"You can have all the knowledge and skills in the world, but if your "blueprint" isn't set for success, you're financially doomed." ~ T Harv Eker

"You can have all the knowledge and skills in the world, but if your "blueprint" isn't set for success, you're financially doomed." ~ T Harv Eker

In the book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T Harv Eker reveals 17 specific ways that RICH people think and act differently from POOR and MIDDLE-CLASS people. The book is a brilliant yet quick read.

Harv will share with you how he can predict your financial future by identifying what he calls your "inner blueprint" for money and success. Right now you're probably trying to figure out whether your own blueprint is set for wealth, moderate success or poverty. The answer is simple! Look at your results in the real world: your income, assets and net worth. Your results reflect your inner blueprint.

You can't build a mansion from a bungalow blueprint. In fact, the only way to become the architect of your new financial destiny is by revising your own internal blueprint and setting it for automatic success.

I am lucky to be given the access to a recording of a Teleseminar he hosted where he describes his foolproof methods for financial success. I now finally have the tools to be successful in ALL aspects of my life, especially in the financial arena!

I'm sharing this information because the seminar really worked for me and I'd like to see you benefit too...

You can learn from Harv on how to master the "inner game" of wealth in order to create outward success.

Harv seems to have a personal mission to help people realize their full potential by applying the principles he struggled to learn the hard way. These principles got him from debt to millionaire in only 2.5 years, so I figure if he can do it, so can I. If you can grasp even a few of the principles of success he outlines, you, too, can achieve financial freedom.

One of the things I learned from the seminar was that the most powerful truths are simple and indestructible; you can use them to create a foundation upon which to build your own "rich life," no matter how much or how little success you have experienced up until now. And a "rich life" is about more than just money...

You can transform your life from the inside out...

Find out how to develop your Millionaire Mind now!

During the Millionaire Mind Teleseminar, Harv will:
• Reveal the root causes of your money problems
• Demystify the destinies of the rich and poor
• Explain how (and why!) some people are programmed to fail
• Show you how to generate amazing results
• Help you expose your unconscious conditioning
• Spell out how you can reach your full financial potential

Inspire Someone's Dream!

A caring mum would like to stimulate inspiration of her little son’s dream on piano.

She brought her son to attend a concert by the great Paderewski.

Feeling bored waiting at his seat, the little boy left and wandered away.

Seeing a door marked “No Admittance”, he promptly entered.

He found himself on a stage with a grand piano in the center.

His attention was drawn to the beautiful grand piano with its glistering white ivory keys.

Suddenly the curtains parted and a sportlight lit on the piano.

Sitting on the piano stool and reaching for the ivory keys, the little boy started playing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”

The Audience’s amusement turned to curiosity when the world famous pianist entered the stage.

He quickly walked to the piano and whispered in the boy’s ear:

“Don’t quit.”

“Keep playing.”

“You are not alone.”

Paderewski sat down beside the little boy and put his arm around the boy.

The great pianist began playing a counter medley as he whispered more words of encouragement to the little boy.

The audience was so fascinated that they couldn’t recall what else the great master played.

It only takes just a few moments to inspire someone’s dream – especially someone who looks up to you for encouragement.

The next time you see someone reaching for their dreams, come alongside with them and whisper in their ears:

“Don’t quit.”

“Keep playing.”

“You are not alone.”

7 Reasons Why You Need to Be a Big Dreamer

Being a big dreamer doesn’t mean that you walk around with your head in the clouds. It means that you’re seeking a purpose for your life and it means that you’re becoming fulfilled in the process.
People that get into the habit of dreaming big will accomplish those goals because they have the right mindset. You need to look at life with the perspective that you can achieve anything that’s possible. If you can accomplish big dreams, why wouldn’t you go after them? Why would you want to settle for small dreams?
Here’s a list of reasons why you should be a big dreamer:
1.    Following Your Dreams Connects You to Your Inner Self. If you want to be happy right down to the core of your being, you need to be a big dreamer. Big dreams can fulfill you right down to the soul because you’ve sought out your true purpose in life. It’s likely the biggest reason why you wouldn’t want to settle on small dreams.

2.    Because You Have a Choice
. You should be a big dreamer because you do have a choice in the matter. Sure you might have a goal or dream that is very difficult to achieve. You might come face to face with failure, and that can be rather frightening. Many people are led down the path where they decide to never attempt their ultimate “big dreams”. You don’t have to be one of these people. You can choose to follow your biggest dreams.
3.    You’ll Be Following Your True Calling. There are not many feelings that could be considered better than knowing that you’ve found the meaning in your life. Perhaps you don’t know what your true calling in life is yet, and you won’t get to that point without dreaming big first. Some people might say that their true calling fell right into their lap, but this isn’t always the case. You need to do some deep thinking and take action in order to get there.
4.    Your Dreams Will Come True. Your dreams don’t need to remain dreams forever; they have a real possibility of coming true. If you’re a big dreamer, you’ll achieve big dreams. It’s a strong belief in yourself combined with those big dreams that’ll make you a personal success. Don’t settle on small dreams when you can be achieving bigger things.
5.    You’ll Be Open to Possibilities. When you dream big things, you open many doors. You’ll encounter a good amount of excitement as you go about life because you’ll be in adventurous and unpredictable situations. This is because big dreams can push your limits and keep your life fresh. Who wouldn’t want a life filled with excitement?
6.    You’ll Achieve More. When you dream big, you’ll achieve great things. You may even end up achieving more than you ever thought you could. For example, you might be at a crossroads where you’re considering whether or not to get a job in a certain field or start a business in that same field. The job is a safe bet with a likely limited salary. The business is the “big dream” that can provide fulfillment and not just in the salary potential. You’ll be personally fulfilled and you’ll achieve more for your hard work.
7.    It’s the Right Thing to Do for the World. Big dreams are the reasons why the world changes for the better. It’s the reason why there have been so many great inventions, and cures for diseases, etc. Big dreams give you the opportunity to truly leave your mark on the world.
Author’s Bio:

Mark Foo has brought together 48 personal development bloggers and writers to co-author The 77 Traits of Highly Successful People and it’s available to you FREE. Claim your free copy of the eBook now at to discover how to achieve all that you want in life.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Discover The Fortune That Lies Hidden Everywhere

A few tips discover from a network marketing book by Robert Kiyosaki, The Business School For People Who Like Helping People.

Robert Kiyosaki is the author of international bestselling book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. Robert is famous for his sayings that “we go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them…so they can enjoy the luxuries of this great world we live in.”

In this book, The Business School For People Who Like Helping People – The 8 Hidden Values of A Network Marketing Business, Other Than Making Money, Robert emphasize again that the overall population can be divided into four major groups.

The first two groups can further be categorized as “Work” or individuals who income potential is finite. They are also called active income group because they have to exchange time for money. If they stop working, they stop earning money.

Who are the active income earners or “Work” group?

1. Those who are Employed or employees who work for a system (a business, a corporation, a government,…etc) or stuck in the rat race treadmills because they have to exchange their time for paychecks. There is not really a lot of favorable advantage for these groups of people from wealth accumulation and financial freedom perspective.

2. Self-Employed – self employed people (e.g. lawyers, doctors, ...etc.) themselves are a system. If they stop, there is no system left to work on its own. They, like the employed, must work and exchange their time for money, if not, they will not be paid or earn any money. There is also not a lot of favorable setup for the 2nd group self-employed people from wealth accumulation and financial liberty perspective, although they do have some added benefit of generating greater financial growth than employees.

The next two groups are categorized as “Network” where we usually find the rich and wealthy. More importantly, they are the ones who recognized the importance of operating as a team and their income potential is infinite. They are called passive income earners because these groups of people do not have to exchange time for money. In other words, they have both financial and time freedom. According to research, they are also the top 5% population who own 95% of the wealth in this planet earth. This network category is where all of us should eventually move to…

Who are the “Networkers”?

3. Business owners such as Bill Gates, Carlos Slim Helu, are those who own a system but do not work in the system. A business owner set up businesses in such a way that it is a system that can be run by anybody (just like a McDonald's franchise). They then hire workers to plug into the system, work for them, and bring them money.

4. Investors (e.g.Warren Buffett, the richest man in the world) are those who invest in a system (corporation, securities, stocks, foreign currency, commodities,…etc) but do not need to work in the system. An investor has investments in systems that work for them and make them big money.

Do you see the key difference between these two categories, the Work and the Network? The people in the first Work category have to exchange time for money or stuck in the rat race wheel. If they do not give up their time, they will not get the paychecks.

The people in the second Network category can choose to work or not to after the rat race. They may initially spend time setting up the system, but once it is up and running, they no longer have to exchange their time for money. They take back control of their time and this enables them to live life as they wish. The system works for them and brings them money even while they are sleeping!

How great is that ya?

So, the next question is, how can we move quickly from the active to the passive income group?

Well, there are several ways, but the most affordable, yet most overlooked, is network marketing.

A network marketing system that leverage on people might be one of the solution to escape rat race. Once the network is established, it allows us to have a much stable and controllable life and frees up most of our time so that we can do other things that we enjoy or even start another systems or businesses (because we have all the free time to do so)!

T. Harv Eker, multi-millionaire and author of the best-selling, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, says this about network marketing in his book:
" marketing can be a dynamite vehicle for wealth. But, and this is a big “but”, don't think for a minute that you are going to get a free ride. Network marketing will only work if you do. It will take training, time and energy to succeed. But if you do, incomes in the range of $20,000 to $50,000 per month - that's right, per month - are not uncommon."

Have a look at what Robert Kiyosaki has to say about network marketing. He says it is a great asset-producing vehicle, one that allows you to create assets that create more assets that create more assets that create more assets....

In other words, we recruit representatives (assets that add money to our pocket), who in turn recruit their own reps (more assets that add money to our pocket), who in turn recruit their own reps (more assets that add money to our pocket)...

So what makes network marketing so good when done in the right industry and with the right company?

Well, other businesses grow linearly while network marketing grows exponentially (rapidly becoming greater in size)!

click Do you still need another reason?

Jim Rohn - Three Keys To Greatness

Jim Rohn - Three Keys To Greatness

Self-improvement can turn into an enjoyable, rewarding and empowering activity. Look at the people around you and watch how they behave. If you find a trait of character or a certain behavior, which you do not like, examine yourself closely and as impartially as possible, and find out whether you act or behave in the same way. If you do, then think and visualize how you would like to behave in a similar situation. Then, whenever you have the time, perform mental rehearsals of the new behavior. Visualize yourself in the same situation, but acting in the way you want to behave.

Think often about the importance and advantages of a changed and more positive behavior. Tell yourself again and again that you will remember to act differently the next time you are in a situation or circumstances that trigger the behavior patterns that you want to change.
At the first attempts you will probably forget to act as desired, but keep visualizing and thinking about the new behavior patterns, and you will see how you gradually change.

Whenever you see people acting in a way that brings them positive result
s, analyze what they are doing, their body language and the way they are talking and acting, and try to act and behave the same. If you keep doing so, you will soon start to see changes in yourself and in your life.
The advantage of this technique is that you can use it everywhere, anytime, without any prior preparations. Furthermore, this can turn in to a pleasurable game. You can use this technique while waiting for someone or something, while sitting on a bench in a park or while traveling in a bus or train. You can use your time more advantageously, instead of just letting the time pass by.

Two examples of this self-improvement technique:

You see one of your co-workers acting angrily. You watch his body language and the tone of his voice and see how people avoid him because of that. Now, look into yourself with an unbiased eye, and find out if you are guilty of the same kind of behavior. If you are not, that's okay, but if you are, think about the consequences of this behavior and the advantages of acting differently. Think how a calm and happy attitude can change your life and how people would treat you.
The next step is to visualize yourself in circumstances that trigger the kind of behavior you wish to avoid, and to see yourself acting in a new and positive manner. Rehearse in your mind, in detail, how you would like to act, so that when you encounter this situation, your subconscious mind will guide you to act as you visualized. Mentally rehearsing the new behavior will remind you to act so in real life, and will also motivate and direct you to act accordingly.

Here is another example. You enter a shop and ask the saleswoman some questions. She is patient, calm and answers all of your questions politely and with a smile. Her behavior causes you to feel good and to like her, which may consequently make you to desire to buy something from her.
Analyze the behavior of the saleswoman, and see what you can do to emulate her. Tell yourself over and over again that you too, are going to behave politely and patiently. Visualize yourself in various situations that usually make you angry and impatient, and ask yourself why you behave in that way. Then start visualizing yourself acting and talking in a calm, polite and patient manner in your day-to-day life.

It is important to understand that thinking and visualizing just once is not enough. You need to do so over and over again every day, even several times a day, until you see results.
The above two examples are only meant to illustrate how to make use of this self-improvement technique. Maintain an open mind, open your eyes, desire to improve yourself, learn from others, affirm and visualize, and your life will begin to change.

The term self-acceptance

We hear so much about self-acceptance from people, who study or teach personal growth methods. What is self-acceptance? Does it mean accepting your weaknesses or negative habits and doing nothing about them? Does this mean accepting your behavior, attitude and life style, and doing nothing to change and improve? This can be an easy way to give in to laziness, and to having good excuses for leaving everything as it is.

This kind of self-acceptance might make you feel a little better and alleviate feelings of guilt, but it does not contribute to real progress and improvement.
The term self-acceptance seems not to be well explained and well understood. Accepting yourself as you are is only the first step. It helps you realize your good and not so good qualities, and can alleviate lack of self esteem, lack of satisfaction and the sense of unhappiness.
Self-acceptance does not mean that you accept what you are and do nothing to change and improve. It does not mean accepting your fate and life as it is.

Becoming aware and acknowledging your behavior, habits and your personality, and not being afraid to look at yourself as you are, is the first step to self-acceptance.
When you accept yourself as you are, you put yourself in a better position to begin improving yourself. It is not an excuse for saying, "This is what I am. I accept myself as I am. I accept my character, my failings and my fate, and this how it is. I can do nothing about it." Knowing yourself affords you the possibility to see what you can do to improve yourself and your life.

Improvement requires that you understand and acknowledge your character and habits, stop comparing yourself and your achievements to others, and acknowledging your skills or the lack of them. This will bring some sort of inner peace, lightness and happiness, like getting rid if a burden. this is the first step to self acceptance.
Acknowledging your good and bad habits and traits of charcter can alleviate feelings of dissatisfaction, anger, resentment or unhappiness, but it is not an excuse for staying as you are, it is only the first step.

Becoming an entrepreneur

Be The Best or Get Out

One of the things that many people tend to accept is the goal of becoming “above average.”

Being above average is safe. Being the best puts the spotlight on you, requires more bravery and often more self-honesty.

For those who have an unfounded fear of standing out – being above average allows them to feel good about themselves without having to be the best. Being above average is secure. Being great requires that you challenge yourself, which is hard. Being mediocre and settling is easier.

The problem with being above average, though, is that it becomes a pair of padded handcuffs that hold you back and prevent you from becoming the genius you could be. Just like the leech that numbs you while it sucks your blood, being above average allows you to feel just fine with yourself while your true potential is drained right out of you.

“Being above average is to success what being above ground is to living.”

Be just average. Hell, be below average; at least that hurts enough that most people react to the pain and try to improve. Being above average is that dangerous middle ground that isn’t as painful as below average but not as hard and scary as being the best either. Its siren call can actually be very strong for a lot of people, and once you’re there you can become so hypnotized that you lose all interest in anything else.

The most successful people among us don’t accept mediocrity. They don’t accept learned helplessness. They don’t accept that they are flawed. They refuse to accept being just another runner in the race, and if they can’t be the best, then they change races and find one where they can be. They seek out environments where their talents can make them the best, not just above average.

If you can’t be the best in what you do—get the hell out!

Do what Seth Godin talks about in his book, The Dip. Seth’s advice: “Quit for all the right reasons.” Don’t waste your potential genius . Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. Don’t settle for being anything other than a genius at what you do.

Learn to Trust Your Instincts

Learn to Trust Your Instincts0

After spending several decades assessing the natural talents and authenticity of thousands of coaches, consultants, fortune 500 executives and thought leaders around the globe (as well as re-assessing my own humble abilities) I’ve come to notice an important factor that is easily overlooked when it comes to understanding how to live your life on your terms; Your intuition.

Intuition: “The knowledge from within; instinctive knowledge or feeling without the use of rational processes” The Oxford English Dictionary

Listening to the silent voice inside your head has received horrid portrayals in movies and books as the evil part of man’s mind that turns mild-mannered citizens into lunatic killers.

It’s no wonder that many of us have been conditioned to ignore that voice and only listen to outside signals as our measurement of effectiveness to the actions we take in life.

This could not be further from the truth to someone who is looking to perform at a higher level in life. The voices in your head have always been there speaking to you every day – you just haven’t realized it yet. They are seen on the surface as what is typically called intuition. You must learn to listen to it effectively if you are going to reach your own level of genius performance.

Intuition is not about extrasensory perception (ESP), a sixth sense or anything mystical or metaphysical. It is about data, gathered by your five senses, being recognized by your subconscious mind instead of your conscious mind.

Carl Jung noted, “Intuition does not denote something contrary to reason, but something outside of the province of reason.”

Intuition is about instinctive or subconscious awareness. When I talk with people about the difference between using their conscious and subconscious minds, I use the words reasoning and reacting. Reasoning is the result of logical, rational thought driven by the conscious mind. Reacting is the result of following the intuitive, subconscious mind. Since the subconscious mind misses nothing and is aware of everything around you, whenever you have a feeling about something you can’t explain, it is usually the case that you just can’t explain it based on what your conscious mind is aware of.

Intuition is that sudden flash of insight that comes out of nowhere. It’s that sense you get or decision you make without really thinking about it; it just comes to you. In reality, it doesn’t come out of nowhere. It comes from everything your subconscious mind is aware of. Instead of dismissing intuition as an unfounded and irrational

impulse, genius level success requires that you learn to accept and respect this voice, as it is your natural talents talking to you.

This is easier said than done, though. Just as we are taught not to trust our subconscious mind as much as our conscious one, we’re also taught to go with what we know, not what we feel.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”~ Albert Einstein

Of mammals, humans seem to be the only ones that actively discourage listening to intuition, but there is a lot of research that proves that intuition actually plays a larger role in decision-making than most conventional teaching would lead us to believe.

• Research into the decision-making of consumers shows that

as much as 95% of the decision to purchase something is subconscious (Harvard-Zaltman, 2003).

• Research on fire fighters showed that 80% of their decisions were subconscious and intuitive rather than logical and rational (Klein et al., 2003).

• Research on naval commanders showed that 95% of their decisions were based on intuition and “gut” rather than actually analyzing and comparing options (Klein et al., 1996).

• Yet another study of commercial airline crews in 1991 found that more than 95% of their decisions were what was termed “snap judgments,” which are those based on intuition, not rationale (Mosier, 1991).

• In a study of offshore oilfield managers, one study showed similarly that 90% of their decisions were not of the conscious, rational type, rather they were snap judgments and intuitive (Flin, 1996).

Great athletes are often quoted as saying, “If I have to think about it, it’s too late.” Even those people that most of us would assume must be very logical and rational turn out to be very much driven by their intuitions.

Physicist Albert Einstein’s genius for conceptual thinking was much more a feeling for him than a rationalization of the facts. So intuitive and pure was this talent, that he only vaguely understood it and rarely attempted to use words or logic to define it. In his work, Principles of Research, Einstein said, “There is no logical path to [truth]. Only intuition, resting on sympathetic understanding of experience, can reach it.”

This level of trust in intuition is not unusual for any of the modernday geniuses we studied either. Most had a very hard time attempting to explain their decisions in a literal sense. They just knew how they felt and what things they saw clearly or not. Their level of intuition and willingness to trust their gut is extreme.

Painter Pablo Picasso once told a friend, “I don’t know in advance what I am going to put on the canvas any more than I decide beforehand what colors I am going to use. Each time I undertake to paint a picture, I have a sensation of leaping into space. I never know whether I shall land on my feet.” What Picasso is saying here is that he followed his intuition (genius) wherever it led him. He is not trying to control it, he is just trusting his gut and going with the flow.

Poet Robert Frost spoke about his process for writing poetry as one of “carrying out some intention more felt than thought.”

Author Isabel Allende says of her books, “In a very organic way, books don’t happen in my mind, they happen somewhere in my belly. I don’t know what I am going to write about because it has not yet made the trip from belly to the mind.”

Learning to trust your intuition will be one of the more significant journeys you will take to reach the peak of your authenticity towards your natural talents and expectations in every aspect of your life.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Take Control of Your Success

Take Control of Your Success

Making Sure You're in the Right Business


Take Control of Your Success

Remember when you were young and adults asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The idea was that you were going to “be” one thing and “be” that for the rest of your life. How many people do you know who have done the same thing since they graduated from school? Anyone?

You can no longer just pick a job and keep it for the rest of your life. All of these established patterns have been swept away by the advance of technology. And you certainly can’t sit back and expect customers to beat a path to your door. If you want your business to be a viable fi t in the marketplace, you have to stay current with your personal technology. You need three different types of skills.

First are your basic skills, including your ability to read, write, speak, calculate and process information. If you are limited in these core skills, now might be the time to improve them. Next are your functional skills, which include any specialized skill sets you have learned to date. Today, relying on mastery of one functional skill is business suicide—because the area in which your skill set lies could completely transform or disappear in a matter of years. You need multiple functional skill sets.
Your business success depends largely on the third set of skills: adaptability. To a great degree, you can define your competitive edge by how fast and how well you learn something new. You have to keep up with your customers’ needs and ask yourself if your business is solving a problem. But it’s no longer solely about finding and filling a need; it’s about imagining a need and creating it.
The trick is you have to be alert to what is new and emerging— because once everyone else has noticed, it will no longer be new and emerging. How well do you explore the area you don’t know about yet, and how regularly and rigorously do you explore it? Your business success and your greatest potential for growth are defined by your technology gap.

One way to assess whether your business is still viable is by putting yourself in the position of your customers. Would you buy your own product or try your service? Would you choose your business over your competitors’? Can customers find your business—are you recognized in your industry for your expertise? Or do you have too many competitors?
You also need to assess whether you, personally, are in the right business, whether you’re still passionate about what you’re doing. If you experience mental conflict between your business and your personal life, that’s a healthy sign that you are in the right business. It’s making decisions between two things you love. Do you think about the business meeting scheduled in an hour while talking to your children whom you love? If you don’t have mental conflict, something’s wrong. Keep your wife and your kids—just change your business.
I used to accept every speaking opportunity and travel around the world. I loved it. But now, I have four kids, and the most important thing to me is putting them to bed at night. It’s not that I don’t want to do the speeches—I loved doing them—but you can’t pay me enough to leave my kids for a week. So I gave up that part of my business because it wasn’t working for me.
You have to be passionate about your business. If you don’t love your business, you are doing a terrible disservice to your customers and clients, your team members and business partners, your family and yourself. If you determine you are in the wrong business, put in the extra hours to turn it, then put it on the market and sell it.
Don’t wait until you’re miserable or your business is suffering. Let yourself be pulled instead of pushed—pulled by your entrepreneurial spirit, that is. Finding and fixing those problems can make you a fortune, and make a lot of other people happier in the process—including you!
Fit for Business
Question Yourself
  • Are you passionate and excited about your business?
  • Do you feel torn between family time and business time? (It’s a good sign.)
  • Do you assertively seek information and explore areas of your business where you lack knowledge?
  • Do you often talk about ways to make your business, product or service better?
  • Is your business (or you) known for your expertise?
  • Would you buy your own product or service?
  • Is your business current with technology?
Paul Zane Pilzer is an internationally known economist, software entrepreneur and author of dozens of scholarly publications and eight best-selling books, including Unlimited Wealth. He lives in Utah with his wife and four children.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." ~ Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich, written by Napoleon Hill, is a motivational book and a collection of principles for the attainment of wealth and financial freedom.

When Napoleon Hill was a journalist for Success magazine, he was sent to interview the richest man in America, steel magnate, Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie offered to give Napoleon “the greater part of his fortune”, which turned out not to be money but his accumulated wisdom on how anyone could become wealthy.

Napoleon who was a poor journalist, armed with just an introductory letter from Carnegie, set out to interview over five hundred successful people including Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, Charles M. Schwab, Theodore Roosevelt, William Wrigley Jr, John Wanamaker, WIlliam Jennings Bryan, George Eastman, Woodrow Wilson, William H. Taft, John D. Rockefeller, F. W. Woolworth, Jennings Randolph, etc, to find a success formula that could be used by the average person.

Napoleon then revealed this priceless wisdom of his research in the form of the thirteen steps to success in Think and Grow Rich. This book was essentially a condensed version of this larger work and a sum total of the numerous interviews and research by Napoleon about the rich people in the world.

Napoleon talked to these successful people at length and tried to devise out their paths to success. Napoleon also dealt with many more factors in his book about why some people attain success while some others do not. Andrew Carnegie had an obsession for being successful and wealthy. He wanted more and more people to achieve this level of success and money too.

Think and Grow Rich is the master book of all other wealth-creation or self-development books. It took twenty long years for Napoleon to collect and assimilate all the information in this book. The main and underlying message in the book is that you can achieve whatever you want in life if you have sufficient desire to achieve it.

Napoleon Hill drafts out the various success principles outlined in the success stories of the rich and successful. He divulges all the secrets of these individuals while on their rise to the top. Most of the top achievers of today are thankful to Napoleon Hill for helping them draft and chart their way to success and wealth.

Think and Grow Rich is a book written almost seventy to eighty years back. Therefore, the language is a bit formal and repetitive. I highly recommend this book despite these minor drawbacks. Rather, these do not amount to drawbacks, as the book is perfect for the written period. Even today, Think and Grow Rich is a very useful book.

Here are some interesting observations by Napoleon Hill, the greatest gurus on achieving success:

"Before us lie two paths -- honesty and dishonesty.

The shortsighted embark on the dishonest path; the wise on the honest.

For the wise know the truth; in helping others we help ourselves; and in hurting others we hurt ourselves.

Character overshadows money, and trust rises above fame. Honesty is still the best policy.”

"Understand this law and you will then know, beyond room for the slightest doubt, that you are constantly punishing yourself for every wrong you commit and rewarding yourself for every act of constructive conduct in which you indulge."

"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements."

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit."

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit."

"Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it."

"If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self."

"One must marry one's feelings to one's beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one's life."

"The ladder of success is never crowded at the top."

"The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail."

"Until you have learned to be tolerant with those who do not always agree with you; until you have cultivated the habit of saying some kind word of those whom you do not admire; until you have formed the habit of looking for the good instead of the bad there is in others, you will be neither successful nor happy."

"War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the expense of his fellow man."

"When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal."

"You must get involved to have an impact. No one is impressed with the won-lost record of the referee."

"I have proved, times too numerous to enumerate, to my own satisfaction at least, that every human brain is both a broadcasting and a receiving station for vibrations of thought frequency."

"If this theory should turn out to be a fact, and methods of reasonable control should be established, imagine the part it would play in the gathering, classifying and organising of knowledge. The possibility, much less the probability, of such a reality, staggers the mind of man!"

"The sixth sense is that portion of the subconscious mind which has been referred to as the creative imagination. It has also been referred to as the 'receiving set' through which ideas, plans and thoughts flash into the mind. The flashes are sometimes called hunches or inspirations."

"The sixth sense defies description! It cannot be described to a person who has not mastered the other principles of this philosophy, because such a person has no knowledge and no experience with which the sixth sense may be compared. Understanding the sixth sense comes only by meditation through mind development from within."

"After you have mastered the principles described in this book, you will be prepared to accept as truth a statement which may, otherwise, be incredible to you, namely:

"Through the aid of the sixth sense, you will be warned of impending dangers in time to avoid them and notified of opportunities in time to embrace them."

"There comes to your aid and to do your bidding, with the development of the sixth sense, a 'guardian angel' who will open to you at all times the door to the temple of wisdom.""

Friday, 1 June 2012

Always Look on the Bright Side. Positive Mental Attitude.

Make it a Habit. Start NOW.

First I want to say that I know this is easier said than done but just keep in mind that if you can add this to your list of habits then your entire outlook on life is susceptible to change. I really invite you to take this on because it will assist you in achieving a Positive Mental Attitude and stomping over obstacles that once were road blocks to your Success.

Focus on the Solution NOT the problem

When something bad happens in your life it is very easy to dwell on the problem and become overwhelmed by it but that is not the path you want to follow. It may be difficult to see at first because your mind is so preoccupied on the negative but you have to look for the good that resulted from whatever situation you are dealing with and try to focus more of your energy on that. Yes this is challenging but it has to be done unless beating yourself up and depression is what you prefer to get out of life. Trust me, I’ve done my fair share of that and let me tell you right now, IT SUCKS.

You must have faith that your situation will get better and whatever issue you are going through is just something that God put in your way to make you a stronger human being. Maintain that belief that God is on your side supporting you and it will make it easier to rise above and see the light through even the darkest of tunnels. In the event that you can’t come up with some good that resulted, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to offer my advice to help you out. At the same time, if that is something that is troubling you then you need to concentrate on how you are going to fix/remedy the problem. Channel all of your energy into making things better not complaining and crying about how messed up everything is. You want to be moving forward in life not chilling at a standstill. Make sure you are constantly working to progress yourself and improve your predicament.

This takes Practice
In closing I want to say this is something that I myself battle with when the odds appear to not be in my favor so I don’t want you reading this thinking I’m some guru or that this is an easy task. God Bless your soul if it is for you. This mindset takes practice and determination to attain but the reward is Priceless. We all encounter Bulls*** in our lives but modifying how you deal with it will Drastically improve your quality of life. I wish you all the best and good luck fighting that negativity that lurks within all of us.

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Nicholas Agaba.
Online Mentor - QNET IR