Tuesday, 29 May 2012
The Right Value Proposition is Heart of Entrepreneurial Success
The value proposition — the collection of things a business offers to the target market to solve a problem or satisfy a specific need — is how an entrepreneur attracts customers away from the other choices they have among all of their competitors.
Most value propositions for new businesses come from some fundamental trend in the economy, in demographics, in technology or in society and culture. These trends lead to changes within industries.
For example, the widespread use of the Internet forever changed industries such as music and newspapers. Inflation in the economy both led to soaring healthcare costs and more recently begun to affect the food industry. Inflation has clearly shaken up both of these industries
A fundamental role of being an entrepreneur is to find solutions for the problems and needs customers have that result from the change that follows disruptive trends like these.
Once the entrepreneur identifies the new business opportunity, the next step is to identify the specific offerings that provide enough value to customers to get their attention and motivate them to purchase from the new business.
It could be something about the product itself, such as its price and value, features, performance, durability or design. It could also be something about how the product or service is delivered to the customer, such as its method of delivery (in their homes, on-line, in an exciting new retail location, etc.) or the specific services offered to go along with the product. Or, it might be something about the personnel of the company, including their expertise, responsiveness, or reliability.
It is almost always best to identify and focus on one or two things that will make your business stand out to customers. Focus on the most important need or problem the customers are facing. Offer that feature to the customers with excellence in mind, making sure all employees understand its importance. And make that key feature the heart of all of your promotion and other communication with the customer.
The best way to develop the key features that are at the heart of your value proposition is to listen to your customers, as while you may think you know what the customer wants, most of the time you will not have it quite right. You will probably have to adjust your product or service to fit with what the customer actually wants or needs.
You may have started with something that is too complex and confusing to the customer. What you thought would be one of many features of your product may need to become the only thing you focus on.
Sometimes the entrepreneur starts too narrow, and what was thought of as the product or service is only one of its key features – you may need to broaden what it is you offer.
Or you may discover that what you offer is a great value, but you have not been selling it to the right target market.
Once your customers affirm that you are offering the right value proposition, it needs to become the focus of everything you and your employees do every day.
NIcholas Agaba
Your Online Mentor
Tweaking the Steps Along Your Ecommerce Sales Path
Do you sell products and services via the Internet? Do you get the results you want?
If you didn’t get the results you want, it’s helpful to re-visit each step of your “sales path” to see where tweaks can be made.
For instance, let’s say your sales path starts with an email broadcast, which directs the reader to your website. Here are the different statistics you will want to analyze to see what’s working and what’s not.
I hope the infomation above will help if you intend to market on line.
Nicholas Agaba
Your Online Mentor
If you didn’t get the results you want, it’s helpful to re-visit each step of your “sales path” to see where tweaks can be made.
For instance, let’s say your sales path starts with an email broadcast, which directs the reader to your website. Here are the different statistics you will want to analyze to see what’s working and what’s not.
- Open Rate: Open rates, on average, hover around 35-40%. Since you are getting a 50% open rate, your results are above-average.If your statistics show that 25% are opening the email, that equates to a real open rate of 50%. We know this because only half of all email users will open their email in a way that the “beacon” can be sent back to the email server to say “This person opened an email.”
- HOWEVER…just because someone opens an email doesn’t mean they read it. One way to calculate whether people are actually reading your emails is click-through rate (CTR). You can you get this statistic, either from your email company, or from your website statistics. (I recommend you use Google Analytics, if you are not already using it. It’s free.)
- Once they click through from the email to the page where you are making your offer, how long are they staying there? This number helps to guide you as to whether they’re actually reading the web page text or not. If your web page is too long and people may be turned off by all the text. Or perhaps the text isn’t formatted in a way that’s conducive to reading.
- If they read the website text, does it answer all their questions? If not, they may click away and never return. Check your bounce rate.
- Your call to action matters. Let’s say you’re selling a class. Should the call to action be “buy now?” Maybe it would be better as “register now” or “click here to register.”
- Sales rate: did they buy?
I hope the infomation above will help if you intend to market on line.
Nicholas Agaba
Your Online Mentor
Friday, 25 May 2012
One afternoon an elderly couple entered a lovely teashop. A busy waiter
One afternoon an elderly couple entered a lovely teashop. A busy waiter
directed them with a wave of his hand to sit at a table in the far corner.
Upon the table there was a beautiful teapot. Delicious looking scones,
sandwiches and cookies surrounded the teapot. The man started to
turn to go back to the counter to explain they didn't have enough money
for such a feast when the teapot began to speak.
"Please sit down and do not be afraid. My master wishes you to be
"Please sit down and do not be afraid. My master wishes you to be
His guest. Take and eat whatever suits you while I tell you a story."
Startled but curious, the couple sat down to listen to the teapot's story.
You see there was a time when I was just an old, hard, gray lump of
clay. I was very sad because I felt so useless. One day a master potter
came along and picked me up. He began to pat, twist, turn and reshape me.
It really hurt so I asked Him to please stop. But He simply looked at me
with a kind smile and said, "Not Yet, I am not through with you."
As the teapot spoke, it poured out tea for the couple into delicate cups
As the teapot spoke, it poured out tea for the couple into delicate cups
that never emptied or grew cold. The teapot seemed to glow and light
the dark corner like a lamp as it continued its story.
Next He put me on this wheel and He began to spin me around and
Next He put me on this wheel and He began to spin me around and
around. I got so dizzy that I couldn't even see where I was going,
and I began to feel ill. I begged him, "Please let me off!" And he replied,
"Not yet, I am not through with you."
The worst was yet to come, however, My master then put me into the
The worst was yet to come, however, My master then put me into the
oven. It was so incredibly hot that I cried and cried to be let out.
But all He said was, "Not yet, I am not through with you."
Finally, the oven door opened. He took me out and set me on a table.
Finally, the oven door opened. He took me out and set me on a table.
I thought, Whew! Thank goodness that is over! But then He began to
paint me with this awful smelling stuff. I could hardly breathe when
He put me back into the oven for a second time. It was even
hotter than before! I thought I would die for sure. Just when I
was ready to give up, He gently lifted me from the oven.
After a long rest, my master came by and picked me up. I could
After a long rest, my master came by and picked me up. I could
clearly see my reflection in His eyes and saw that I had been transformed.
I was now beautiful. He told me that it was my reward for being so patient
and strong. I asked Him how I could repay Him and His face lit up.
JESUS CHRIST, My LORD and Master then explained my purpose
to me: " Pour out your story to everyone you meet. Don't be discouraged,
if they don't hear or understand you. Keep your lid open a crack so I may
fill you with my spirit where ever you may be.
I will guide you all the rest of your days."
The teapot then seemed to glow even brighter as it finished sharing,
The teapot then seemed to glow even brighter as it finished sharing,
"It is such an honor to serve my Master that I have been filled with joy ever since!"
The couple had tears in their eyes when the teapot finished its tale. They
The couple had tears in their eyes when the teapot finished its tale. They
promised to also share his story with others and come often to visit.
This delighted the teapot even more. He knew his Master would be pleased.
The teapot was serving his purpose.
II Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father
II Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father
of mercies, and the God of all comfort. Who comforteth us in all our
tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are
in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God!
Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works,
Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works,
which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
There may have been a time in your life when nobody wanted ypu, nobody
There may have been a time in your life when nobody wanted ypu, nobody
liked you, nobody paid any attention to you. They just kicked you around
and walked on you.
But now you are special, but you weren't always this way! Now he uses
your pain to minister to others, so they know they are not alone in their
sufferings, Jesus Christ takes the time to mold us and make us more
into his image so we could glorify HIM and Our Heavenly Father!
Romans 8 says that we are predestined to be molded into the image
Romans 8 says that we are predestined to be molded into the image
of Jesus Christ. Wow! That was Jesus Christ's plan from the very
beginning even before we showed up on planet earth. He says,
"I want you to be just like MY Son, Jesus Christ."
That will obviously take a work in our lives because by the time we
That will obviously take a work in our lives because by the time we
submit our lives to Jesus Christ we usually have quite a few problems,
made a lot of mistakes that take Jesus Christ time to get us out of them
and we need a pretty awesome work done in us.
Jesus Christ wants to do something through you, so you have got to
let him do something to you. Every time we come up a little bit higher
a little bit of our flesh has to go down lower. He is the Potter and we
are the clay. Let him mold us into his image. It hurts a heck of a lot,
but in the end we will see it was for a purpose, and it is worth it!
We are all in this fiery furnace together and the Bible says in I Peter, I:7,
We are all in this fiery furnace together and the Bible says in I Peter, I:7,
"That the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold that
perisheth, though it might be tried with fire, might be found onto praise
and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." It says in
Psalms 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous:
but the Lord delivereth him out of them all!
Personal AMEZCUA Recommendations
Personal AMEZCUA Recommendations
With the many products and services QNET has to offer the world, you can
be hard pressed for choice on what your first purchase should be. In
this first instalment, allow me to share with you some of my
recommendations for anyone interested in owning an energy product from Amezcua.
Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc
Taste The Difference
The key to a healthy lifestyle includes a nutritious and well-balanced diet. Choosing the right food and beverages is clearly the first step, but what if it were possible to enhance that diet by improving flavours and adding more energy? Thin, light and manufactured in durable stainless pewter, the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc is virtually unbreakable and can be conveniently carried with you or used as a table ornament.
Price: $490
Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc
Taste The Difference
The key to a healthy lifestyle includes a nutritious and well-balanced diet. Choosing the right food and beverages is clearly the first step, but what if it were possible to enhance that diet by improving flavours and adding more energy? Thin, light and manufactured in durable stainless pewter, the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc is virtually unbreakable and can be conveniently carried with you or used as a table ornament.
Price: $490
Amezcua Lifestyle Set
No matter who we are, where we come from, or what language we speak, we
all have at least one thing in common, in order to survive, we must all
drink, eat and move. The best way to achieve this is in a balance and
harmonised manner to ensure that our drinking and eating habits, and the
way in which we move, are all serving our bodies at the optimum
level. The Amezcua Lifestyle Set
contains three energy discs, Amezcua DRINK, Amezcua EAT and Amezcua
MOVE, each created with specific energy frequencies that are exclusive
to the particular application of each individual disc.
Price: $470
Amezcua Bio Disc 2
The Next Level of Wellness
Today, representing the next level of wellness and the evolution of the world-renowned Bio Disc, the Amezcua Bio Disc 2
is set to again redefine the way in which we can harness and harmonise
the energy of our drinking water. Better, stronger easier and more
effective, the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 is a new era in harmonised energy.
Price : $680 (Current Promotion Price)
Amezcua Chi Pendant
Pure Energy
To combat depleted energy levels without adding to the already busy schedule of your day, the Amezcua Chi Pendent
is a way to provide continuous protection from the effects of a busy
and stressful world, a way to recharge your batteries, and importantly, a
way to allow you to get on with life with a bounce in your step.
Price: $680 (Current Promotion Price)
Veloci-Ti Cosmos Pendant
Unleash the Power
Specifically created for sporty individuals to accommodate their active lifestyle, the Veloci-Ti
Cosmos Pendant combines the lightweight and durable qualities of
titanium with the proprietary energy technology. To complete the smart
and sporty look, the Veloci-Ti Cosmos Pendant features a unique design
created from mathematical fractals and add functionality to the
practical performance pendant for active people.
Price: $360 (Current Promotion Price)
Are you ready to make your first purchase? Head on over to my website and make your purchase. For an extra $30 why not sign up as an Independent Representative and enjoy the free business opportunity that allows you to market any QNET product or service for a lucrative commission
Thanks for your Time and learning.
Nicholas Agaba
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Start Small Win Big–The Cliff Notes Version
Start Small Win Big–The Cliff Notes Version
We’re nearing the end of the SUCCESS Start Small Win Big Challenge and it’s time to start gathering your thoughts for the final essay submission. Before you get test anxiety, don’t worry–we’ve provided a number of tools and links here to help you. Consider this the test review your professor gives before mid-terms.
During registration, contestants filled out the application asking for three specific goals they’d like to achieve during the contest. These guidelines were an exercise in goal setting; the essay will comprise the judges’ final grades.
Can you send me my goals? Unfortunately, no. However, your submitted goals were a guideline and framework for starting your 12-week challenge, but not the basis of the judges’ final grade. How you achieved a goal is what you’ll be judged on.
How and when do I submit my essay? On THURSDAY, APRIL 12, we’ll open the essay submission form at SUCCESS.com/winbig. The completed form/essay is due Monday, April 30.
Week 1: Jan. 23 | Theme: Commit to Your WHY
In this week’s newsletter, SUCCESS editors ask you to identify your “why” for entering this challenge. The corresponding blog post asks you to share your “why” with others participating in the challenge.
√ TIP: Read some of the 70 inspiring comments from participants who posted their “why” on the SUCCESS blog and review your “why” for the final essay.
Theme: Take Responsibility
This week’s newsletter asks you to take a hard look at yourself and your business and answer: What worked, what didn’t and what could you do differently. The corresponding blog post encourages you to share your answers, creating a sort of public accountability for owning your mistakes.
Theme: Know Your Numbers
The Start Small Win Big newsletter for week 3 and the corresponding blog post are roll-up -your-sleeves kind of content. While you don’t need to have an audit-worthy financial forecast ready for the essay, you do need to be familiar with your numbers to demonstrate this week’s lesson.
Theme: Own Your Destiny
This week’s newsletter asks you to consider this question, “Who could you be if you refused to fail?” The person you ultimately see personifying your brand? Then the corresponding blog post outlines some steps to become that person.
√ TIP: Revisit week 4′s assignment to see your three-goal strategy for accomplishing your ideal brand. Sure there’s a million things you need to do, but what are the three most important goals right now? Review those for your essay.
My business site - www.nic.myqnsite.com
My business presentation- http://bit.ly/oRfCWP
Nicholas Agaba
We’re nearing the end of the SUCCESS Start Small Win Big Challenge and it’s time to start gathering your thoughts for the final essay submission. Before you get test anxiety, don’t worry–we’ve provided a number of tools and links here to help you. Consider this the test review your professor gives before mid-terms.
During registration, contestants filled out the application asking for three specific goals they’d like to achieve during the contest. These guidelines were an exercise in goal setting; the essay will comprise the judges’ final grades.
Can you send me my goals? Unfortunately, no. However, your submitted goals were a guideline and framework for starting your 12-week challenge, but not the basis of the judges’ final grade. How you achieved a goal is what you’ll be judged on.
How and when do I submit my essay? On THURSDAY, APRIL 12, we’ll open the essay submission form at SUCCESS.com/winbig. The completed form/essay is due Monday, April 30.
Week 1: Jan. 23 | Theme: Commit to Your WHY
In this week’s newsletter, SUCCESS editors ask you to identify your “why” for entering this challenge. The corresponding blog post asks you to share your “why” with others participating in the challenge.
√ TIP: Read some of the 70 inspiring comments from participants who posted their “why” on the SUCCESS blog and review your “why” for the final essay.
Theme: Take Responsibility
This week’s newsletter asks you to take a hard look at yourself and your business and answer: What worked, what didn’t and what could you do differently. The corresponding blog post encourages you to share your answers, creating a sort of public accountability for owning your mistakes.
Theme: Know Your Numbers
The Start Small Win Big newsletter for week 3 and the corresponding blog post are roll-up -your-sleeves kind of content. While you don’t need to have an audit-worthy financial forecast ready for the essay, you do need to be familiar with your numbers to demonstrate this week’s lesson.
Theme: Own Your Destiny
This week’s newsletter asks you to consider this question, “Who could you be if you refused to fail?” The person you ultimately see personifying your brand? Then the corresponding blog post outlines some steps to become that person.
√ TIP: Revisit week 4′s assignment to see your three-goal strategy for accomplishing your ideal brand. Sure there’s a million things you need to do, but what are the three most important goals right now? Review those for your essay.
My business site - www.nic.myqnsite.com
My business presentation- http://bit.ly/oRfCWP
Nicholas Agaba
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